Astroparticle and nuclear physics



How did fundamental interactions emerge from the Universe Big Bang? What are the fundamental interactions? How did stars and galaxies form? How, when, and where were the chemical elements produced? What role do nuclei play in the liberation of energy in stars and stellar explosions? What are dark energy and dark matter? These represent only a few of current open challenges cosmologists, astro, particle and nuclear physicists must face in their research. The answer to these questions is one hundred year long journey, which leads us from the huge particle accelerators deep into the Earth to look at the vastness of the Universe.


Research areas

  • Astrophysics

Galaxies: origin, structure (elliptical, spirals, dwarfs), evolution, morphology, etc. Star structure and classification: birth and evolution, populations, magnitudes, etc. Compact objects: neutron stars, quark stars, exotic objects. High-energy astrophysics: cosmic rays, gamma ray bursts, supernovae (standard candles).

  • Cosmology

Dynamics of the Universe: Big Bang, inflation, nucleosynthesis, dark energy. Morphology of the Universe: baryogenesis, dark matter, structure formation. Black hole physics: classification, thermodynamics, quantum effects. Astrobiology: life in the Universe, chemistry of life, origin of life.

  • Experimental Nuclear Physics

g and conversion electrons measure. Electronic setup for acquisition and data analysis. Particle accelerators and nuclear reactions. Geant4 simulations of complex apparatus. Numerical and analytical solutions of nuclear and astrophysical problems with Wolfram Mathematica, with theoretical models, etc.

  • Theoretical Nuclear Physics

Nuclear structures and nuclear potentials. Dirac equation and theoretical aspects of beta decay. r and p processes, primordial nucleosynthesis, b- and b+ emitters. Applications to hadron therapy and radio pharmacy.

  • Gravitational waves

Study of thin films for the development of the optics for third generation gravitational wave interferometers. Study of monolithic suspensions for cryogenic interferometers. Study of cryogenic seismic sensors.  Definition of strategies to uniquely code the sky areas based on gravitational wave alerts to search for possible electromagnetic counterparts in synergy with future space missions and new generations of ground-based telescopes


Typology CFU Course
Compulsory 30 Advanced electromagnetism (6 CFU)
Advanced physics laboratory (6 CFU)
Machine learning (6 CFU)
Solid state physics (6 CFU)
Theoretical physics (6 CFU)
Recommended 30 Advanced nuclear physics (6 CFU)
Astro and particle physics (6 CFU)
Cosmology (6 CFU)
Laboratory of astro-particles (6 CFU)
Quantum field theory (6 CFU)
Elective 12 only Artificial Intelligence Lab (6 CFU)
General relativity (6 CFU)
Quantum information (6 CFU)
Statistical mechanics (6 CFU)

(*) Students are allowed to take up to 24 CFU, free of tuition fees, at the University of Milano (Università Statale) including courses, stages, and thesis preparation (see for details).

LNL and University of Padua collaborations for stages and Thesis are also available. 

For any information about this track including specific choices of the modules please contact:

Stefano Simonucci-