The Physics Division of the School of Science and Technology coordinates teaching and research activities in Physics at the University of Camerino (UniCam). Our course offerings range from freshman seminars to advanced graduate classes. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are mentored in research in condensed matter, atomic and laser physics, as well as quantum information and nuclear physics. We enjoy close connections to other Science Divisions including Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Computer Science. The Physics Division has a strong international program with several established connections with foreign institutions and research centers.
The Physics Division has a longstanding tradition and a solid scientific reputation being currently ranked among the best Physics schools in Italy (obtaining an average normalized mark of 1.07 in latest available ANVUR report 2011-2014)
The teaching activities in the scientific area (thus including Physics) at the University of Camerino are ranked second in the Italian CENSIS 2019/2020 guide.
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Physics building