Corso di laurea e offerta didattica in Fisica presso Unicam:
Test di accertamento delle conoscenze in ingresso: informazioni
Our course offerings range from freshman seminars to advanced graduate classes. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are mentored in research in condensed matter, atomic and laser physics, as well as quantum information and nuclear physics. Our strong international programs enjoy several established connections with foreign institutions and research centers.
Coordinator of bachelor and master degrees: Prof. Stefano Mancini
Tel.: +39 0737 402577
Responsibles for specific programs:
Tutoring: Dr. Angela Trapananti
Tel.: +39 0737 402523
Stages and placement: Dr. Nicola Pinto
Tel.: +39 0737 402528
Orientamento e Progetto Lauree Scientifiche: Prof. Tatiana Guidi, Dott. Irene Marzoli
Tel.: +39 0737 402509
Tel.: +39 0737 402534
Coordinator of the UNICAM PhD program in Physics, Earth Science and Material science: Prof. Roberto Gunnella
Tel.: +39 0737 402537
Ph.D. curriculum in Quantum Technology: Prof. David Vitali
Tel.: +39 0737 402540
Ph.D. curriculum in Physics: Prof. Sebastiano Pilati
Tel.: +39 0737 402555
Internationalization and ERASMUS program: Prof. Roberto Gunnella
Tel.: +39 0737 402537
Physics Division Director: Prof. Andrea Di Cicco
Tel.: +39 0737 402535