
The Physics Division of the School of Science and Technology coordinates teaching and research activities in Physics at the University of Camerino (UniCam) and is currently hosted in a dedicated Physics building (Polo di Fisica). Various additional laboratory activities of the Physics Division are carried out in dedicated spaces at the Math building nearby (Polo di Matematica). Teaching is mostly carried out with the Physics building, although some laboratory and standard classes take place also at the Math building.

image of the physics division building

  Entrance of the Physics Division building (polo di Fisica), September 2020

The Physics Division has a strong international program with several established connections with foreign institutions and research centers. For more information about teaching and research queries can be addressed to our contacts. Address and affiliation can be found here.

Scientific activity in Camerino dates back of several centuries. The institution of a first well organized Physics Laboratory (Gabinetto di Fisica) is assessed in the late 800. Since then, several scientists were in charge of teaching Physics up to the first half of the XX century. Gilberto Bernardini was professor in Camerino in 1937.  After the second world war and the institution of the Italian Republic, the University was declared public (1958). The presence of physicists gradually grew up and in the early seventies several professors and scientists had been active in different fields.  Experimental research in condensed matter physics started after 1975, following  the temporary engagements of several young scientists coming from the University of Rome. The experimental research activities in the first eigthies were concentrated in the performance of synchrotron radiation experiments. The first Laurea degree course in Physics of the Marche region was finally established in Camerino in 1988. Interested readers are encouraged to read the story.

According to a recent survey, about 300 students have obtained a degree (in all its forms) or doctorate in Physics from 1987 to the end of 2017. The list shown here is not exhaustive and is not completely updated, mainly reporting those who participated in the celebration of 30 years of Physics in Camerino (28-29 / 9/2017). Many Alumni have undertaken different professional and training paths, demonstrating how the degree and / or doctorate in Physics can open job and career prospects in key sectors of society: health, higher education, economics, safety, etc.
The scientific activity of the Physics Division of the University of Camerino has been often mentioned in press and media for achievements in the field, confirming the quality of the school.