Master in Physics

Learning outcomes

The Master graduate in Physics at the University of Camerino, will be able to: possess a deep knowledge of classical and modern physics, and of the methods of physics as a whole; apply advanced calculus techniques, of both formal and numerical nature; model a great variety of natural phenomena and of technological problems; apply the main experimental techniques, perform measurements in a completely independent way, and critically analyze data.

In particular, specialization in the following fields can be achieved:

Assessment of learning outcomes

The assessment of the knowledge and abilities acquired in an educational activity is carried through the evaluation of a written and/or oral exam at the end of the educational activity. In the case of a laboratory activity, the final evaluation may involve also a practical test in the lab. The result of tests held during the course can also be considered. However, the participation to these tests is optional for the students and any negative result will not preclude admission to the final exam. Learning activities are evaluated by a mark out of thirty, with the possibility of the additional recognition of “lode” (with praise).


Admissions rules and entry requirements

Students possessing a three-year university degree or equivalent foreign qualification are eligible to register for the Master degree in Physics (“Laurea Magistrale in Fisica”). The student who wants to enrol to the Master in Physics must possess a good knowledge and understanding of:

  •  Classical physics
  •  Quantum physics
  •  Mathematical analysis
  •  Geometry and linear algebra
  •  Basic experimental techniques
  •  Use of basic computing systems and their application to data acquisition and processing.
The student must possess a good command of written and oral english, equivalent to the level of the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET).

Assessment of the personal preparation of eligible students

In order to be accepted into the master degree's degree in physics, a student must be in possession of an appropriate transcript of studies as well as appropriate knowledge and skills.

Students with an Italian bachelor's degree in Physics 

All students with a bachelor's degree in Physics (Laurea) earned in Italy will be automatically enrolled in the master's degree in Physics whenever they satisfy the following conditions:
Final mark of at least 95/110;
Bachelor's degree in Physics acquired in no more than 72 months from enrolment in the Physics course;
Bachelor's degree in Physics acquired not more than 48 months from the date of application to enrol in the master's degree in physics.

Students not satisfying at least one of these conditions will have to afford a colloquium in order to be admitted to the Master.

Students who are about to earn a bachelor's degree in physics can register conditionally (“sub condicione”) for the master's degree in physics. The conditions are that by October 1 (beginning of the new academic year) the students must have obtained at least 165 credits, and that by April 15 (of the following year) the students should earn their bachelor's degree in physics.


Students with an Italian Bachelor degree in other disciplines

In order to enrol in the master's degree in physics a student must be in possession of a transcript of studies that satisfy the following two criteria:
  1. Passed examinations corresponding to at least 70 credits in the field of physics (SSD FIS/01-08);
  2. Passed examinations corresponding to at least 30 credits in the field of mathematics and computer science (SSD MAT/01-09, INF/01, ING-INF/05).
The qualification to be enrolled will be assessed by the coordinator of the master's degree in physics, on the basis of the curriculum of studies.

All other students 

All other students, in possession of a Bachelor degree in Physics or related subjects, should apply at the web page

A committee will select the candidates on the basis of their transcript  of studies and, if deemed necessary, by an interview.  The selected candidates will receive a pre-admission letter, necessary for getting  VISA. The enrolment will be finalized  upon arrival at Unicam, after an interview with the coordinator of the master's degree in physics.     


Teaching organization of Master Degree

The acquisition of skills and knowledge by students is recorded as university credits  (CFU).  CFU is the student learning activity unit,  including  individual study, practice exercises and laboratory work. One CFU corresponds to a standard  load  of  25 hours of work. As a purely indicative qualification, a credit could correspond to 7 hours of classroom lectures, or 6 hours of lectures with an additional of 2 hours of practice exercises. These values  may  vary  depending  on  the  type  of  teaching.  In  laboratory  courses instead  about  50%  of  the  face  to  face  teaching  hours is devoted to practical exercises in the laboratory, for which a credit approximately corresponds to 12 hours of directed activities. The average amount of work in a  year for a student  engaged in  full-time university  studies  and  in  possession  of  adequate  initial  preparation  is  fixed at 60 credits. To earn the Master degree in Physics the student must gain 120 credits. Normally the program of the individual learning activities maintains a consistency in the ratio of around 1/3  between the time devoted to assisted teaching activities and the time spent studying individually. The organisation of the Degree in Physics into six terms and its overall duration (three years) and are only indicative, serving as a reference for the organization of teaching and calculating the number of CFU. Students can earn these credits and attain the degree in less than three years. Teaching is divided into 2 terms every year. The first term begins on October 1 and ends on January 31. The second term begins on March 1 and ends on June 15.


To finalize their enrolment students are required to choose among the majors proposed below and notify the choice through the form here.

  • Individual study plans can also be proposed through the form here for approval by a faculty committee.
  • Since 2019 Unicam students can take up four courses of the master’s in physics program at Università Statale di Milano without additional fees.
  • Quantum information and Quantum computation courses will be taught in alternate years.
  • Grants favoring the completion of exams and thesis work at other national and international institutions are available through the Physics Division (see link,in Italian).