Next wednesday, in room H (S. Tchodinov), Physics Division, 15 pm.
General seminar by Dr. S. J. Rezvani
Advances in functional nanomaterials
S.J. Rezvani
1 IOM CNR, S.S. 14, Km. 163.5, I-34012, Trieste, Italy.
2 Dipartimento di Fisica, UniversitĂ di Camerino, Camerino, Italy.
Functional low dimensional materials are new generation of materials attracting considerable attention due to their novel and unique properties to be implemented in many applications such as power sources such as lithium ion batteries and quantum technologies.
Metal alloy nano-particles have been employed in lithium ion batteries due to their enhanced properties compared to the conventional bulk materials. Understanding the lithium insertion mechanism and its consequent structural dynamics as well as the formation, evolution and the possible role of the solid electrolyte interface layer formed in these materials are of utmost importance for improving their performance [1-2]. On the other hand, novel materials such as porous silicon nanowires and PS nanowires with embedded Si quantum dots have shown unique electronic properties in them which can make them possible candidate in future quantum technologies [3-4]. Additionally, their bio-compatibility with the possibility of large area fabrication with a predesigned structure and substantial surface area make them a promising candidates to be used in lithium ion batteries as well as drug delivery technologies. Finally, 2D superconducting islands offer a unique laboratory for studying classical critical dynamics while a control over vortex density can tune the ratio of the vortex repulsion to the mobility which can be harnessed in the novel photon/particle detectors [5-6].
[1] S. J. Rezvani, R. Gunnella, A. Witkowska, F. Mueller, F. Nobili, M. Pasqualini, S.Passerini and A. Di Cicco. ACS Applied materials and interfaces, 9, 45704576.
[2] S.J. Rezvani, R. Gunnella, F. Nobilii, S.Passerini, A. Mushtaq and A. Di Cicco. J. of physical chemistry C, 121(47), 26379 (2017).
[3] S.J. Rezvani, N. Pinto, L. Boarino, F. Celegato, L. Croin, D.Antonioli, M. Fretto, P. Rizzi. Nanotechnology, 27, 34.
[4] S. J. Rezvani, N.Pinto, E. Enrico, L. D’Ortenzi, A. Chiodoni and L. Boarino. Journal of Physics D, 49, 10.
[5] N. Pinto, S.J. Rezvani, A. Perali, L. Flammia, C. Cassiago, N. De Leo, M. Fretto and V. Lacquaniti. Scientific reports 8:4710.
[6] N. Poccia, T. I. Baturina, F. Coneri, Cor G. Molenaar, X. R. Wang, G. Bianconi, A. Brinkman, H. Hilgenkamp, A. A. Golubov, V. M. Vinokur, Science, 349, 6253.